Developmental Stages
0-1 month
suck swallow pattern, non-differentiated crying
2-3 months
cooing, back consonants & vowels, middle vowels
4-6 months
Babbling, lip sounds, experiments with sounds
6-10 months
Repetitive syllables, nasal, stop sounds t, d, p, p
11-14 months
First words- Simple three sound words, predominance of m, w, b, p
2 years
Words increase. Some two word phrase. Acquired k, g, sounds.
3 years
Speaks in short incomplete sentences. Most speech sounds emerging. j, n, f, s, and all vowels sounds.
4 years
Tells short stories, asks questions. v, z, sh, ch sounds are added to other acquired consonants.
5 years
Syntax and sentences structure emerge.
Later developing consonants acquired in most instances: r, l, & th.
Normal Stages of Speech Development
Normal Stages of Language Development
0-2 weeks
Undifferentiated crying
2-4 weeks
Differentiated crying
3-6 months
6-9 months
9-12 months
12-18 months
True speech- first words- The child is able to use a word when the object is present and actually
knows what the word means.
18 months
Understands simple instructions and begins putting 2 words together. Vocabulary of about 20-25
2 years
Names 4 or 5 objects. Uses some prepositions [e.g., on, in] and has a vocabulary of 275-300 words.
3 years
Uses pronouns [I, you, me], plurals, past tense, and comparatives [bigger, etc]. Vocabulary of about
900 words.
4 years
Names colors, common objects, animals, and can tell the sounds animals make. Repeats 3 digits, and
has a vocabulary of about 1500 words.
5 years
Uses descriptive words, opposites and connectives. Can count to ten. All speech sounds are present
and generally intelligible
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Trinity Speech Language and Learning Center
474 Tarrant Road
Gardendale, AL 35071