Richard Reese
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Trinity Speech Language and Learning Center 474 Tarrant Road Gardendale, AL 35071 Phone: 205-608-2999 Fax: 205-423-5005 Email:
Richard, the founder of the Trinity Speech, Language & Learning Center, has practiced speech pathology for fourteen years. He graduated from the University of Montevallo in 1997 with a Master of Science in speech- language pathology. Richard spent almost ten years working in the school system with children with communication or learning problems. The work was very rewarding and challenging, and Richard’s caseload was unusually varied. As a result, Richard’s expertise is in several areas: phonological or functional speech impairments; stuttering, comprehension and expressive language impairments; and reading and writing impairments. Richard has a special interest in assisting children with critical reading skills. When the Alabama Reading Initiative [ARI] was offered in the local schools, Richard was an eager participant, and he has served as a presenter for the ARI Vocabulary module. Rather than lump children together into indistinguishable groups, Richard believes children are best served in a one-on-one, specialized environment, with individualized treatment plans and activities. The clinical environment at TSLLC is designed around this premise, and has shown huge success. This approach means fewer children can be seen each day, but the rewards and success rate are well worth it.
Meet Richard Reese....
Martha has worked at Trinity Speech, Language, and Learning , (TSLLC), since July 2008. Martha graduated from the University of Montevallo in 2008 with a Master of Science in speech-language pathology and a minor in Human Development and Family Studies. Martha has worked with a wide variety of children from birth through 18 years of age. Martha’s special interest lies in treating children in early childhood, specifically between the ages of birth to six. Martha enjoys working with children with a variety of difficulties and disorders including autism, feeding disorders, language disorders, auditory processing disorders, and articulation disorders. Martha understands the difficulties of teaching young children as they grow and develop. She greatly enjoys the work that she is able to do at TSLLC, and she strives to make her relationships with patients and their families personal . She provides constant, open-communication via email. phone and texting. Martha strongly feels that a team effort from all parties involved in the child’s life is paramount to the child’s progress, and encourages active participation in the development of a specialized treatment plan for each and every child.
Meet Martha Davis....